Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday November 21

Barber- Changing improper fractions into mixed numbers SG page 76.  HOMEWORK: SG PAGE 76 #3A-H

Brazier- Comparing and ordering fractions. CFP #2 on Monday. Strand 3 DPP due on Dec. 2

Kornas - SG pages 73-76: Improper and proper fractions.


Reading: (Teacher - Mr. Brazier): “Readers keep their theories in mind as they read.”

Science: (Teacher - Mrs. Kornas): Watched videos about the moon and the tides. Took notes.

Spelling: (Teacher - Mrs. Barber):  Spelling test today!  New word sort goes home.  Students should be reviewing “sorting rules 3-5 times per week to prepare for upcoming tests.  The weekly homework is a responsibility.  Students will not be reminded daily to do this.

Social Studies: (Teacher - Mrs. Barber):

BARBER: Day 3 Poetry. Writers write about what they notice.  

BRAZIER: Day 1 of a Poetry Genre Study

KORNAS: PTA Reflections form.

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